Acoustic Neuroma

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a great battle - Philo of Alexandria

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

After op

Dear all,

At 2.00am Greg left surgery, the doctor was pleased with the operation - but the late finish was due to them wanting to wait for Greg to wake up naturally before assessing him - but he slept longer than expected....which he has always had the ability to do so!

My "pregnant" friend Julie and I saw Greg into theatre at 7.30am on the 13th and finally left the hospital at 3.30am on the 14th, hence are exhausted but fortunately saw a dopey Greg for 5 minutes which was great. He was aware enough to squeeze my hand and then he fell asleep again. The area around his mouth is partially paralysed, so hope and pray that this is temporary. It will take some time for the doctors to be sure, but since the area is not large they are hopeful.

I will see Greg briefly twice today and also have an appointment with the surgeon, so hopefully will have more news tonight.

I have developed a sinus cold but hoping that Greg didn't catch the same bug, so hope and prays for this.

On last note, the surgeon and head of the surgery dept. visited Greg before the surgery to wish him well. I was touched by the presence of the dept. head, who was the first surgeon we saw after the diagnosis and this wasn't even his operation, but I think that he has a soft spot for Greg! And we are greatful that he is not the only one.

With thanks, more later



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now we can breathe again. What an incredible ordeal – and how grateful we are for the initial post op news. We continue to pray with you, sending our love around the globe, waiting expectantly for the grace of good healing. I have had this old chorus running through my head: "Day by day and with each passing moment, Strength I find to meet my trials here, Trusting in my Father’s wise bestowment, I’ve no cause for worry or for fear. He whose heart is kind beyond all measure gives unto each day what he deems best. Lovingly, it’s part of pain and pleasure, mingling toil with peace and rest." You are surrounded with love, and with continuing intercession…. Today I am praying for an extra measure of that "peace and rest." (P.S. A special thank you to Julie for being there with you.)

3:24 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Kirstin and Gregg,
You are both very much in my thoughts and prayers. May God’s grace abound toward you in healing and peace.
Grandma Jeffrey

5:03 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greg! You're sleeping in again! Good on ya. Take all the time you need to rest and recover. We are praying for you and watching your progress even from afar.

5:39 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So grateful for the news; we continue to pray for you both.
Carrie, Scot and the boys

5:42 pm  
Blogger Dan Sudfeld said...

Phew. That was quite the ordeal - 18.5 hours in surgical theatre. Will continue to pray from here in Alberta for Greg's recovery. The words from the hymn quoted by Kathy above are very apropos.

6:11 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very glad to hear Greg is doing well. Quite a day ya'll had yesterday!! We will continue to pray for you and Greg.
Chelle & Dave

8:02 pm  

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