Acoustic Neuroma

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a great battle - Philo of Alexandria

Thursday, December 15, 2005

December 15th

Dear All
As the neurosurgeon did not make it back to see me tonight, I’m afraid I don’t really have much new technical news on Greg’s medical state. When I arrived this morning (after unexpectedly spending the night sleeping at the home of our Bavarian friends, and being looked after incredibly) I was amazed at how much better Greg looked, how much more he can move his hands, and how much more he was speaking. Speaking is difficult and frustrating for him as half of his mouth doesn’t work. He is asking questions and giving sentence-long responses now. Engaging this way fatigues him quickly. He would much rather listen than talk. He is still in a fair bit of constant pain, but his morphine dose is less. He has yet to feel up to eating, but realized today when presented with a gift of apple juice that that was exactly what he had been craving. Every time he drinks though, or moves his head at all, he gets very nauseous – as he has no hearing now in one ear it will take his brain some time to adjust without getting vertigo. Yesterday he wanted me to stroke his head almost continually all day. Today his body was too sore to be touched much at all. It will be a day by day learning experience for us both.

Greg’s side of the room is beginning to look like a fantastic art gallery – a gallery of love and encouragement I guess, if that doesn’t sound too corny. Each day it has more beautiful paintings and drawings by some of the many children who love Greg so. Some have drawn pictures without there parents even suggesting they do so. Around these are cards and pictures from friends around the world. No longer austere blank walls for him to look at. Thank you.

Please remember to keep Greg’s family in your prayers – his mom is still in Canada and his dad is in India right now, which must be particularly hard, being so far away. Forgive me for not returning many phone calls. It is lovely to hear folks voices, but as I can’t turn on the cell phone inside the hospital and it is below freezing outside, my limited time and energy is being rationed to Greg’s family just now. I hope it won’t be too much longer before we have access on-line here at Pré Borel … and that will save Greg’s dear workmates from having to type out the ‘blog posts’ as I read them over the phone!

With love,



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love and prayers for you both! Glad to hear that Greg is out and recovering.

Paul & Kathy

1:05 am  

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